Star Wars Tapestry
"Ladies and gentlebeings, The Blue Room and the Count Xun Orchestra are proud to present... the vocal stylings of miss Fiola Shaku."
―An announcer at The Blue Room[src]

The Blue Room is an upscale supper club on Cloud City, Bespin. Renowned for its opulence, luxury, and great entertainment, The Blue Room is a destination in a city of destinations. The club's musical ambience is carefully produced by Count Xun and his orchestra, typically featuring guest vocalists, of which Fiola Shaku was one. All of the entertainment is presided over behind-the-scenes by Marce, the club's stage manager.

It was at The Blue Room that Fi met Jyllis Tromso and Helbert Strand, Tach met all three of them, and Kroff revealed himself as an enemy of them all by attempting to kidnap Ms. Tromso.
